Introductory video about economics 101. Short (30m), vivid and very beginner friendly. It covers basic economic concepts about market & government, credit & debts, short & long debt cycles and the significance of productivity growth in the long run for society and individuals.

A fun and insightful watch on how to distinguish between hobby, job, career and vocation. Beware about the boundary and overlaps between them and be self accountable to take care of them all.

Interview with one of the greatest basketball player of all time. It covers topics about goals and preparations, cloudy emotion and self negotiation, strategic thinking and creativity etc. A manifest of what Mamba mentality is about.
Listen to the whole episode, full of insights about core human motivations worth chewing slowly. Including status signaling in eastern culture, sharpening insight through public discourse, wealthy people keep secrets etc
If it becomes too similar, innovation dies. If becomes too dissimilar, trust dies. So it seems to be in an interesting spectrum that you can only have a certain mix that keeps driving things to move forward versus it becomes stagnant and boring and too chaotic. I believe the insight is the smallest unit of truth that is actionable. And therefore people who operate in the currency of insights tend to be generally more successful, at least in business. I found an interesting hypothesis that the fastest way to make somebody feel okay what they’re ashamed of is to make them proud about it. So I believe that historically people who were hired for years of experience, I think in future, people will be hired for experiences per year. I think when we’re creating mechanism of scoring people, we’re removing dimensions we could be better at. I haven’t seen (even smart) people came out of the trap (Envy). Envy is hype local, it’s like wi-fi, it works only in a local radius. You want to copy tactics not outcomes. Comparing outcome is a recipe for unhappiness. Imitation is the quickest way to get to the average in a discipline.
To be truly happy you need to be present. One of core tenets of being present, is to be completely honest at all time. Habits are everything. Any time within 6 months, I decided to discard an old habit and build a new habit. When adding behaviors it’s best to add them one at a time, but when subtracting behaviors sometimes it’s better to subtract a few of them together. You can learn how to learn is the ultimate meta skill and that all begins with reading
择业,做到“五新” - 新行业、新公司、新部门、新岗位、新任务。 管理好职场的“三个十年” 第一个十年,管理好你的资产负债表。换行业最好不要换岗位。换岗位不换行业。 第二个十年,把损益表放一放。 第三个十年,考虑未来的现金流表。不要躺平。蹲下,才有机会跳得更高。 人有三种不同的「life work balance」,小平衡、中平衡和大平衡。 小平衡是追求每一天的平衡。中平衡是追求一年中的平衡。大平衡是追求人生的大平衡。
(1:01:53) How to do an energy audit (19:03) When and how to let an employee go (43:44) How to approach mass layoffs humanely
写作是一件我感兴趣的事情,也是我自己觉得很难的一件事情。 虚构类的书我会推荐毛姆的 《月亮和六便士》《刀锋》
Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend - Bruce Lee
Good artists copy, Great Artists Steal - Pablo Picasso
Learning leaves a trail of little death - Derek Sivers