The original inspirationDerek SiversThings I learned in the past are now wrong. Times have changed. Beliefs that were true are now false. They were based on old limitations that are now gone. Ways that used to work don't work anymore. The old road collapsed. There's a tunnel through the mountain now. Other relevant articles that I liked如何(不)认识自己在《The Inner Game of Tennis》(中译名《身心合一的奇迹力量》),作者加尔韦说每一场比赛都由两部分组成:外在比赛和内在比赛。「外在比赛」是和外部对手比拼,而「内在比赛」发生在内心,需要克服内在阻碍,比如注意力不集中、紧张、自我怀疑、自我谴责等,以发挥出最好的水平。 我越来越意识到,阻碍我们成为更好的自己的,主要来自于内在: 有很多事情要做,却总是被新消息、新闻、热点干扰;如何更好地认识自己?图片作者: Michelle D'urbano 在我们的一生中,如果要选出一个需要持续去思考和解答的问题,你会选择什么? 我想,无论如何,「认识自己」,肯定会有一席之地。 这句话,写在古希腊德尔菲神庙上,也写在《道德经》里。东西方的先哲不约而同把它放到如此之高的位置,也许也说明了它的重要性。 认识自己,在心理学中叫做 「自我觉知」 ... Reset your lifeLast year, late 2012, I was working on some projects in the night when I suddenly became short-breathed and anxious. I never had experienced anything like this and also never had any real health problems. I had to get out of the house. I went outside and from about 3am